Trading & Risk Management:
Our process is to analyze clients’ market exposure, understand how exposed they are to market volatility and assess their risk profile, and provide recommendations for optimizations.
Financing Solutions:
The commodity community has been strongly impacted by the Covid-19 crisis, and numerous companies have seen their financing reduced significantly. We understand that commodities are difficult and complex to finance. We work with our clients and counterparties to find innovative financing solutions and structures to address market volatility.
Audit & Training:
In order to understand the steps towards better Risk Management practices, we also provide audit services. We work with our clients to audit their risk and trading processes and models. We analyze the findings and provide bespoke recommendations towards better Risk Management practices.
We also train our clients to better understand financial products : including options, and exotic products
DFCommodities is also very much involved in new financial technologies related to commodity markets, by working on the development of new fintech services